The line between virtual and real is vanishing with every passing day. Animation can be used to inspire, educate, inform & entertain. Animation is the creation of moving pictures/ images with the help of technology and/ or animation software. VFX refers to the creation of awesome effects & realistic environments in films by combining real-life images with animation using special software. A career in animation requires strong artistic skills and a solid familiarity with the latest in computer animation technologies. It also requires the ability to turn creative thoughts into compelling images, using them to effectively communicate an idea. There are a number of different career paths for animators. We often think of animators as the talented artists who create the cartoons we love, either for film or movies. Animators continue to work in these areas, but increasingly in fields like websites, online advertisements, e-learning, architectural walkthroughs, special effects in movies, mobile games etc…. Animators can find full-time employment in production houses, ad agencies, MNCs etc…
Because the Animation & Vfx industry is growing so fast, there is a constant demand for skilled professionals from both, Indian studios as well as for internationally outsourced projects.
Arena's Trinity 3D is a complete package! Get skills in three in-demand industries – animation, VFX & gaming. Triple your career opportunities by completing this premium 3-in-1 course*.
With the Indian animation &VFx industry poised for a staggering growth, Arena Animation has introduced Trinity Program – the most premium program designed to equip students with advanced skills in Animation, VFx and Gaming. It allows students to be mentored by the masters in animation, VFx and 3D Game Design. With the hands on training, this program will maximize the job opportunities and make you a cutting edge creative professional.
Term-1 :
Pre-Production for Animation & GamesTerm-2 :
3D Art & Design for Animation, Games & VFXTerm-3 :
Visual Effects for Animation, Games & FilmsDuration : 3 years
Eligibility: SSLC / PUC / ITI
DAE –AnimationFilmMakingoffersauniqueblendofdigital and analog art skills with solid foundations in drawing, storytelling and design for animation. Skills in audio and video production and cinematography gives you an understanding of the creative and technical processes involved. It emphasizes on teaching the students to integrate the processes of 2D and 3D right from ideation to execution.
Semester 1:
Animation Drawing & Design Fundamentals
Anatomy Drawing
Body Language & Expressions
Light, Colour & Perspectives
Animation principles & Concepts
Process of Animation
Timing for Animation
Stop Motion Animation
Magic with Photoshop
Storytelling Techniques
Scriptwriting for Animation
Character Design & Development
Acting and Voice Characterization
Storyboarding for Animation
Basics of Video Editing
Semester 2:
2D Classical Animation Production
Concepts of 2D, Cel& Digital animation
Keyframing, Inbetweening& Cleanups
Digital Ink & Paint
Animation Scene Planning
2D Animation Post Production
Showreel Development
Degree in Visual effects, Graphics and Animation aims to help the students understand fascinatingworldofAnimation,VFX and Motion Graphics for film, broadcast, games and other media pads. This is a comprehensive skill based training program involving components of traditional skills, digital applications, hands-on, workshop Learning bundled with holistic Personality enhancement. Skill based learning focuses on increasing employability through series of inputs to equip students with appropriate hands-on skills which helps them to be job- ready. Arena Animation has associated with Jain University to give the skills to the students and are committed towards empowering the students with job-ready skills. NAAC has awarded 'A' Grade to Jain University.
The Animation Prime is a comprehensive training program in the fundamentals and techniques of animation that provides a comprehensive understanding of the latest software and tools used in the process of animation. The program prepares students for an animation career, where they can set their imagination free.
Term 1:
Design &Visualisation
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